The Phoenix Palms

Issa II Pink Portrait of Black Woman | Mixed Media Art


"Issa II" is expertly printed on Hahnemühle German Etching paper, well known for its extraordinary velvety tactile feel and distinct felt structure. The texture of the paper elevates the visual experience, adding a unique touch to the piece.

Tamara Tashna, owner of The Phoenix Palms, is a Caribbean American woman and infuses her work with the vibrancy and soul of the African Diaspora, celebrating its beauty and resilience.  From intricate block prints to soulful portraits inspired by faces of the African Diaspora, each piece reflects her passion for storytelling through art.  Discover something that ignites your imagination and elevates your space.

Artwork Dimensions: 11" x 14"


Made in United States

Eco-friendly Packaging: Plastic-free, Recyclable, and Recycled

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